Arch Building

Arch Building
Originally built as a hotel in 1905, as of the year 2000, the building had been unoccupied for 10 years, was in deplorable condition, with portions of floor missing, no utilities, few windows, and missing roof sections. It wasn’t a facelift project. It was an organ transplant.
Transformed, it is now the home of Loysen + Kreuthmeier Architects. Two large rental lofts occupy the upper floors. The so-called Blue Building, originally home to the hotel owner’s family, was demolished to create a new courtyard, providing a serene backdrop to the workday and adding ample daylight to the building on all floors. Cor-ten steel and large, thick glass marry their modern expression with the historic masonry of the original building. Where the Blue Building was demolished, a courtyard facade was created as a remembrance.
Loysen + Kreuthmeier Architects (architect)
Watson Engineering (structural engineer)
Clearview Project Services
Loysen + Kreuthmeier Architects